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Secret Plan Revealed: CIA Told to “Destroy” Those Supporting Communist Germ Warfare “Myth”

Jeffrey Kaye
27 min readDec 5, 2022


Front cover of CIA’s 2010 brochure, “Baptism by Fire,” which introduced the release of hundreds of formerly declassified CIA records on the Korean War. (Public Domain)
  • In summer 1952, the U.S. government grappled with Communist charges of U.S. use of biological weapons (BW) in the Korean War, labeling the accusations part of a Soviet-instigated “Hate America” campaign. Top officials claimed disingenuously in internal communications that they didn’t understand “the precise reason for choosing germ warfare as the subject of the present campaign.”
  • The Acting Director of the U.S. Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) wrote to top officials at the Pentagon, State Department and the CIA that Communist charges of U.S. atrocities in Korea, including use of BW, constituted “a horror-weapon… an attack against the very structure of human civilization.”
  • In the first months following the July 1953 Korean War armistice, the PSB had to admit that the U.S. had failed in its earlier propaganda efforts, and “not supplied the world with authoritative documentation to refute the [BW] charge.”
  • As a result, according to the high-level psychological warfare Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), the U.S. needed to implement a secret, “specific program of U.S. action to destroy and counter-exploit the Soviet bacteriological warfare myth.”
  • The aim of the program was “to discredit Soviet propaganda and undo and



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